Hey there, crime kids. Happy fucking MONDAY. It's time once again to take a trip to the dark side, where your most violent fantasies become sins of the flesh, right here, where the hardboiled action is non-stop, at the coolest crime joint in cyberspace ... at That Killing Feeling.
In Chapter 4 of DAZED, BEAUTIFUL & BRUISED, when police chief Larry Lipshitz puts homicide detective Carrie Love on the 'copycat movie killer' case, she's horrified to discover that her new partner is her ex, detective Bernie Keko, but is pleased to find out she has to go 'undercover' ... at a porn shoot.
Carrie’s being grilled by
homicide detective BERNIE KEKO (40s),
Armenian, good-looking on a budget,
an angry Russell Crowe-type.
With a sense of humor.
That’s my soon-to-be
ex-husband Bernie.
A decent guy --
when he’s not being
a stubborn, jealous mass
of insecure testosterone.
Bernie’s face.
Can’t really blame him, though.
Imagine how you would feel
if you found out your woman
was leaving you --
for another woman.
Bad example.
Half of you probably
just got aroused.
You’re drinking
on duty again, Legs.
You smell like you
went down on Jim Beam.
And that’s the third vehicle
you’ve trashed this month.
You’ve used up all
your second chances, babe.
Lipshitz is gonna can
that tight little ass of yours.
Hey, it’s not gonna be believable
if my breath smells
like fucking Aquafresh.
It’s called undercover, hello?
I can’t sit there
sucking on a wheat grass smoothie,
for chrissakes.
And as for the car,
I was chasing a perp.
Can I help it if Venice Beach
is so treacherous?
In case you didn’t notice --
I got the collar!
Police chief LARRY LIPSHITZ (50s)
strolls in. Weary. Seen it all.
Small and round.
In a perfect universe --
Danny DeVito.
You two.
I could hear you
all the way down the hall
in the can.
Only place I can get
any peace around here.
She started it.
Don’t look at me, chief --
I’m just kneeling at the
altar of Sipowitz here.
Bernie, you gotta grieving widow
waiting for you upstairs.
(to Carrie)
And you, Miss Legs --
you’re off the homeless thing.
What? You can’t --
(grins, starts toward the door)
I told you --
But I almost have that fucker.
I’m putting you on the
copycat movie killer thing.
(stops, whirls around)
Hey, that’s my case.
Yeah, that’s his case.
Correction, it’s both your case’s now.
We’ve got three more bodies
sprayed like chunks in sauce
on a porn soundstage in the valley.
The press is having a fucking field day --
and the commissioner is so far up my ass,
my prostrate is deciding on a bridal registry.
We need someone on the inside.
(off Carrie’s look)
Pun intended.
On the inside where?
A porn shoot?
Yeah. Ilona found a guy on the ‘net
that shoots amateur videos --
and what look like fake snuff films.
Remember Bruce Ball?
The guy you were after last year
on that S&M reality show thing?
We think he might be the perp.
And Duquesne says he just started
principal photography.
And, what -- you want me to
spread my legs for truth,
justice and the eight-o’clock news?
Why do you think they call you
a 'piece officer?'
You expecting the lame
‘undercover’ joke?
(to Larry)
I’ll go get waxed right away.
Larry, we went over this.
I’m going undercover.
Do my Dirk Diggler thing.
I don’t think you can --
pull it off.
Pull it off? Pull it off?
Are you casting aspersions on my --
It’s an all-girl flick, Bernie.
Light bondage.
(eyes light up)
All girls?
What’s the title?
'Learning the Ropes.'
Catchy, huh.
PUSH IN ON Carrie’s face.
Raring to go.
I certainly hope so.
OMG!!! The dialogue here... AMAZING!!! Wow... god, Carole... I could read this kind of stuff ALL day!!
ReplyDeleteThose two are definitely not Ozzie and Harriet, are they? LOL!!
Lipshitz (with a name like that, you just know he's gotta be a real "stick up the ass" guy...lol!) does have some great lines... too cool!
I love that line by Carrie... " you want me to
spread my legs for truth, justice and the eight-o’clock news?" Awesome!!
Oohh... all girl flick? Light bondage? I am all over that!! Where do I sign up? I'm guessing that I don't need to worry that my SAG card has expired, huh? Hahahahaha!!
Okay... I'm off to get waxed! :D
Wow... what a great chapter to start the week!! I LOVE this!
So... think I caught something... you mentioned Dina Daerr in last week's chapter... wasn't there a Dick or Dirk Daerr in LEGS? And, of course... Bernie... big, sweet, lovable Bernie... lol!!
Great chapter, hun!!
So glad you likee! I guess this one's not so bad, afterall. I had foolishly taken Oliver Stone's advise, and had written a bunch of cool scenes in no particular order, just wrote what was the most fun -- and then it took me MONTHS to stitch it all together into a complete story. Whew.
ReplyDeleteSo -- what I stole from this scene was the idea that Carrie had to go undercover at a porn shoot -- the last part of that scene got lifted and put into LEGS.
As for Dina Daerr -- yes, indeed. I used her name for the daugher of Dick Daerr in the pilot, 'the hearing aid guru to the stars,' if you remember. I was in a hurry to finish the pilot, so I stole the name ... !
Okay, ready for MORE fun tomorrow?
Luv ya!